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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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UdiIN 2CM® Slim inte­rior insu­la­tion system

The slim, inte­rior insu­la­tion board. Sui­table for direct rendering.

UdiIN 2CM® Wood-fibre insu­la­tion board

Inte­rior insu­la­tion system. Inno­va­tive com­po­site of wood-fibre board and cel­lu­lose honey­comb matrix. Ideal solu­tion for internal and inte­rior par­ti­tion walls. Also sui­table for cei­lings and roof slopes.

  • Ship-lapped edges around the whole circumference
  • Increases the inte­rior sur­face tem­pe­ra­ture of external walls

Areas of appli­ca­tion include:

  • Upgrading resi­den­tial properties
  • Reno­va­tions


Thic­k­ness:23 mm
Format:115×75 cm
Appa­rent den­sity (wood-fibre):ca. 230 kg/m³
Thermal con­duc­ti­vity
Design value λ:0.070 W/mK
Water vapour dif­fu­sion resis­tance coef­fi­cient µ:5