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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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UdiSys­tems for Inte­rior Insulation


Anyone who wants or needs to main­tain their house façade should opt for inte­rior insu­la­tion from the pio­neers of wood fiber insu­la­tion when it comes to energy-effi­cient reno­va­tion. Also because of other advan­tages:
It can be installed quickly and easily. Because it is less com­plex, it is also less expen­sive than external insu­la­tion. Scaf­fol­ding is also not neces­sary. Intern­ally insu­lated rooms also warm up faster. The inno­va­tive insu­la­tion sys­tems for inte­rior walls also ensure a plea­sant and healthy living environment.

UdiIN RECO® SYSTEM Insu­la­tion boards with level­ling compensation

  • Com­pen­sates uneven sur­faces directly, as it is very flexible
  • Avo­id­ance of com­plex substructures
  • No gluing necessary

UdiIN 2CM® SYSTEM slim inte­rior insu­la­tion system

  • Saves space due to slim 2 cm construction
  • For every room, with little space
  • Bridges cracks on all surfaces
Interior Insulation system UdiIN

UdiIN® SYSTEM mold-free insulation

  • Oldest system with 25 years of long-term experience
  • Plea­sant atmo­sphere in the room
  • Uni­ver­sally applicable
Interior Insulation system UdiIN

UdiIN RECO® SYSTEM Insu­la­tion boards with level­ling compensation

UdiIN 2CM® SYSTEM slim inte­rior insu­la­tion system

UdiIN® SYSTEM mold-free insulation

  • Com­pen­sates uneven sur­faces directly, as it is very flexible
  • Avo­id­ance of com­plex substructures
  • No gluing necessary
  • Saves space due to slim 2 cm construction
  • For every room, with little space
  • Bridges cracks on all surfaces
  • Oldest system with 25 years of long-term experience
  • Plea­sant atmo­sphere in the room
  • Uni­ver­sally applicable