insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

request a free brochure


In coope­ra­tion with Unger-Dif­fu­therm part­ners, several mil­lion square metres of buil­dings have been ener­ge­ti­cally and visually upgraded by satis­fied cli­ents since the com­pany was founded. The fol­lo­wing refe­rences should give you a first insight into the variety of possibilities.

Fur­ther refe­rence objects are available on request.

Heri­tage-pro­tected water tower

Con­ver­sion of a his­to­rical monument

in 04860 Torgau with UdiIN RECO®

Cons­truc­tion of natural log houses

Near the Nor­we­gian city Stavanger

with UdiFLEX® System

From Lost Place to new bloom

Worsted spin­ning mill in Bran­den­burg an der Havel

with UdiIN RECO® System

4-sided cour­tyard con­ver­sion and renovation 

With natural buil­ding materials

in 52062 Aachen with UdiIN®

Carved „houten huis“ in Hoflaan

Timber frame construction

in 3062 Rot­terdam Hof­laan with UdiFRONT®

Histomod frame­work construction

In 99947 Bad Langensalza

with UdiFRONT®, UdiFLEX® & UdiCLIMATE®

The Car­riage Rooms in Montalto

Hotel and event center in Nor­t­hern Ireland

with UdiFRONT®

Inte­rior insu­la­tion measures

In the city centre of Luxembourg

with UdiIN RECO®

Old cheese fac­tory in Alsace (France)

Reno­va­tion of cheese fac­tory of Echen­evex from 1830

Internal insu­la­tion of the upper floors with UdiIN RECO®

Major energy renovations

In Epinal, France

with UdiRECO®

Timber frame construction

Saint Eti­enne in France

with UdiIN RECO®

Cons­truc­tion of a hotel and restaurant

Accor­ding to the his­to­rical model „Hes­sen­park“

in 61267 Neu-Anspach/­Taunus with UdiFRONT®