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 Inno­va­tions and Guarantees

Our tra­di­tion of innovation

In an eco­nomic sense we can only talk of inno­va­tion when a new pro­duct or pro­duc­tion pro­cess has been intro­duced or adapted and its uti­lity has been reco­g­nised. It is often the case that that the uti­lity or value of an inno­va­tion is only dis­co­vered after a long initial phase. We want you to be able to find our pro­ducts quickly and thereby imme­dia­tely enjoy the bene­fits for both your residential/commercial buil­dings and your qua­lity of life.

Our newest pro­duct inno­va­tions are UdiRECOUdiIN RECOUdiCLIMATEUdiIN 2CM.

The latest sci­en­tific fin­dings, our long years of expe­ri­ence in the buil­ding sector and con­ti­nuous contact with tradesmen pro­vide us with valuable infor­ma­tion for the deve­lo­p­ment of inno­va­tive insu­la­tion sys­tems and for the opti­mi­sa­tion of our exis­ting pro­ducts. Our close and daily invol­vement with the con­s­truc­tion industry has enabled us to develop high qua­lity, healthy buil­ding pro­ducts which are easy to work and install. 


Our aim is that all those who use our pro­ducts – spe­cia­list tradesmen, archi­tects and, above all, the pro­perty deve­lo­pers – are satis­fied. We work con­ti­nuously on the deve­lo­p­ment of new pro­duct ideas and system inno­va­tions in order to improve the living-qua­lity of your accom­mo­da­tion while making careful use of our environment’s valuable natural resources.

Udi­Gua­rantee Conditions

Why do we offer a 15 year guarantee?

Because we are always being asked how durable our sys­tems are. By the intro­duc­tion of the gua­rantee in 2007 we had already gained over 15 years of expe­ri­ence and today, in 2017, we have over 25. Over this period we haven’t had a single claim for damages or the rem­oval of our system. The figures speak for them­selves – a 100% suc­cess rate in over 70,000 projects.

Our first gua­ran­teed buil­ding pro­jects are now 10 years old. Mr. Ger­truda from 4300 Bove­nis­tier in Bel­gium was granted the first gua­rantee and is still delighted that he chose a system with such high qua­lity and cus­tomer value.

UdiINSULATION SYSTEMS with our 15 year guarantee

  • UdiIN RECO System – Inte­rior thermal insu­la­tion com­po­site system with intel­li­gent level­ling compensation
  • UdiIN System – Inte­rior insu­la­tion system
  • UdiFRONT – Com­plete façade pro­tec­tion at its best.


How do I get the guarantee?

Pro­perty deve­lo­pers will receive the gua­rantee from our trained and licensed UdiSPECIALIST INSTALLERS who install the product/system. Alter­na­tively, you can com­plete our trai­ning course yourself. Upon com­ple­tion of the instal­la­tion, the Udi Qua­lity Assu­rance Pro­tocol must be com­pleted and sent to us. This will be che­cked for cor­rect­ness and if satis­fac­tory the deve­loper will be issued with the guarantee.

Does the gua­rantee system cost more?

No. There is no addi­tional cost for our gua­rantee system. If all of our system com­pon­ents – boards, mesh, fixings, access­ories and render/plaster system – have been used and the Qua­lity Assu­rance Pro­tocol shows that the system has been cor­rectly installed, the gua­rantee can be awarded.

Cal­cu­la­ting the cost

If you would like any help in cal­cu­la­ting the cost of your pro­ject and the 15 year  gua­rantee system, please don’t hesi­tate to contact us by e-mail or directly. We will be pleased to offer you all the assis­tance you require.

What is covered by the guarantee?

If all the ori­ginal UdiINSULATION SYSTEM com­pon­ents are used and the system is cor­rectly installed by a licensed UdiSPECIALIST INSTALLER, we pro­vided a 15 gua­rantee cove­ring the func­tion­a­lity of the system and the fol­lo­wing properties:

  • Mould-free gua­rantee
  • Warp-free gua­rantee
  • Crack-free gua­rantee
  • Colour choice gua­rantee – even for bolder colours

All of our UdiINSULATION SYSTEMS are manu­fac­tured to the hig­hest stan­dards and all com­pon­ents are opti­mally matched. They are sub­ject to con­ti­nuous moni­to­ring and are of excel­lent quality.