insu­late naturally

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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 Insu­la­tion Boards

Gua­ran­teed mold-free insu­la­tion accor­ding to the model of nature with UdiWood Fiber Insu­la­tion Boards. Wood fiber insu­la­tion retains large amounts of carbon dioxide. This means that you make an important con­tri­bu­tion to cli­mate pro­tec­tion through its appli­ca­tion. In inte­riors it regu­lates the humi­dity and pre­vents mold. This creates a plea­sant, healthy indoor cli­mate. When applied to façades, the walls nevert­heless remain vapour-per­meable and „breat­hable“. Wood fiber insu­la­tion is an example of the suc­cessful con­nec­tion of man and nature.

Find out more about the UdiSYSTEMS for Inte­rior Insu­la­tionInte­rior Con­s­truc­tionRoof and Façade.

UdiRECO® Insu­la­tion board with level­ling compensation

UdiIN 2CM® Slim inte­rior insu­la­tion system

UdiCLIMATE® Insu­la­tion boards

UdiRECO® Insu­la­tion board with level­ling compensation

UdiIN 2CM® Slim inte­rior insu­la­tion system

UdiCLIMATE® Insu­la­tion boards

UdiSPEED® Insu­la­tion system for pre-fabri­cated timber buildings

UdiUNGER-DIFFUTHERM® NF Wood-fibre, sand­wich-layer insu­la­tion board

UdiTHERM® STRONG for com­mer­cial appli­ca­tions and under screed

UdiSPEED® Insu­la­tion system for pre-fabri­cated timber buildings

UdiUNGER-DIFFUTHERM® NF Wood-fibre, sand­wich-layer insu­la­tion board

UdiTHERM® STRONG for com­mer­cial appli­ca­tions and under screed

UdiSTEP® beneath flo­or­boards, par­quet, lami­nate flooring

UdiTHERM SK® for insu­la­tion thic­k­ness of greater than 120 mm

UdiTHERM® NF for living areas with higher floor-loa­ding requirements

UdiSTEP® beneath flo­or­boards, par­quet, lami­nate flooring

UdiTHERM SK® for insu­la­tion thic­k­ness of greater than 120 mm

UdiTHERM® NF for living areas with higher floor-loa­ding requirements

UdiTOP® Wood-fibre sark board

UdiFLEX® System

UdiTOP® Wood-fibre sark board

UdiFLEX® System