insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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 Discover forest cli­mate at home

Mold-free insu­la­tion for façade, inte­rior walls, roof and floor

Natural, eco­lo­gical & effec­tive insu­la­tion

Wood fibre insu­la­tion is a piece of nature at home. Like nature itself, it unfolds its posi­tive effect on people. Wood fibre insu­la­tion also absorbs large quan­ti­ties of carbon dioxide. This means an important con­tri­bu­tion to cli­mate pro­tec­tion. Indoors, it regu­lates humi­dity and pre­vents mould. This creates a plea­sant, healthy indoor cli­mate. Natural insu­la­tion from UdiDÄMMSYSTEME is an example of the suc­cessful con­nec­tion bet­ween human and nature. With over 70,000 com­pleted buil­ding pro­jects in 17 count­ries. With inno­va­tive all-in-one solu­tions for inte­rior and exte­rior use, inclu­ding all access­ories and final coating.

By the pio­neers of wood fibre insulation

As early as 1991, Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Unger, the founder of Udi­DÄMM­SYS­TEME, deve­loped the first coatable insu­la­tion system for façades based on soft wood fibres. Since then, num­e­rous inno­va­tive mile­stones in wood fibre insu­la­tion have been set and pro­tected by patents. Most recently with UdiSUN®, where natural insu­la­tion meets cosy direct sur­face hea­ting.
Over 70,000 com­pleted buil­ding pro­jects are proof of the company’s effi­ci­ency. The export takes place throug­hout Europe in over 17 count­ries. Pro­fes­sional sup­port from the start of plan­ning to the com­ple­tion of a pro­ject.
You will not see the wood fibre insu­la­tion and direct hea­ting when installed, but you will feel it. While slee­ping, while working and while relaxing.

Mold-free insu­la­tion

Inno­va­tive insu­la­tion sys­tems make it possible

Wood fibers regu­late the humi­dity balance in a room in a unique way. Any con­den­sa­tion water is absorbed within this natural insu­la­tion system and, due to its quick drying beha­vior, is either returned to the room or trans­ported to the out­side by capil­lary action. Steam bar­riers are not required.

The walls remain open to dif­fu­sion and breat­hable. The humi­dity is opti­mally regu­lated. This means that mold has no chance.

In com­bi­na­tion with the UdiSUN® direct hea­ting system, the effect is even more enhanced and a com­for­table heat radia­tion is generated.

 Insu­la­tion solu­tions at a glance

    Inte­rior insu­la­tion system with inte­grated cli­mate chambers
    Wood-fibre insu­la­tion board with foot­fall-noise absor­bent properties.
    Insu­la­tion meets hea­ting (sur­face direct heating)

    Inte­rior insu­la­tion system with inte­grated cli­mate chambers
    Wood-fibre insu­la­tion board with foot­fall-noise absor­bent properties
    Insu­la­tion meets hea­ting (Sur­face direct heating)



Direct inquiry

Anka Unger CEO of UdiDämmsysteme

    Yes, please send me the free e-booklet "Udi Insu­la­tion Systems".

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