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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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UdiC­LEAN® Algae rem­oval

UdiCLEAN® Remover

Once the initial Algae growth/infestation has been removed mecha­ni­cally, the pro­duct should be uni­formly applied to the affected areas in a cross­wise fashion. In the case of very serious infe­sta­tions, this pro­cess should be repeated. The clea­ning and rem­oval of algae, fungus and moss growth from buil­ding com­pon­ents is the basis of effec­tive, long-term algae infe­sta­tion protection.

UdiCLEAN® Primer

After tho­rough clea­ning with a high-pres­sure washer, the sur­face should be treated with the pro­duct and be allowed to dry tho­roughly. It is used after an initial tre­at­ment with UdiC­LEAN Remover in order to pro­vide an addi­tional, long las­ting and highly effec­tive pro­tec­tion against the deve­lo­p­ment of new algae or spores.

UdiCLEAN® Anti-Algae Paint

This high-qua­lity, wea­ther-resistant, silicon-based exte­rior paint should be applied in a cross­wise fashion using either a brush, roller, sponge or sprayer. Two coats are recom­mended. The paint con­tains an algi­cide depot for long las­ting effec­ti­ve­ness and is extre­mely water repel­lent and quick drying after downpours.

Algae growth – simply just unsightly?

Often, algae growth is attri­buted to incor­rect or poor insu­la­tion. Most forms of algae grow on sur­faces which remain cool and moist for extended periods and which pro­vide nou­rish­ment in the form of micro-dust (mineral com­pounds) – which may also have been car­ried on the wind. Algae are most often found on north and west facing walls or those which are unheated. The algae don’t just look unsightly but also create a micro-cli­mate on the façade, which with the help of enzymes attacks the sur­face and in the worst cases leads to its des­truc­tion. The rem­oval of algae is the­r­e­fore not just an optical impro­ve­ment but a mea­sure to pro­tect the fabric of your building.