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insulate naturally
Discover forest climate at home
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UdiUNGER-DIFFUTHERM® NF Wood-fibre, sandwich-layer insulation board
High quality, render-bearing wood-fibre insulation board with our tried-and-tested, thermally optimised sandwich structure. For our Building Inspectorate approved composite thermal insulation systems UdiFRONT® SYSTEM and UdiIN® SYSTEM.
These boards offer a professional, vapour-permeable solution for the external insulation of masonry walls and for timber constructions such as half-timbered buildings, timber-framed and panelled buildings, solid timber buildings and also for the internal insulation of exterior walls.
The permanent functionality of the wood-fibre boards is only guaranteed when used in conjunction with all the relevant and specially coordinated UdiCOATINGS and UdiACCESSORIES from our product range. Our systems provide an all-round protection for every masonry or timber-built building. The ingenious sandwich structure provides for a vapour-permeable, sound insulating and climate regulating wall construction that relieves surface tension in the plaster coating layer.