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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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UdiIN RECO® SYSTEM Insu­la­tion boards with level­ling compensation

  • Com­pen­sates uneven sur­faces directly, as it is very flexible
  • Avo­id­ance of com­plex substructures
  • No gluing necessary
  • The No. 1 for inte­rior wall insulation
  • Adjus­table up to +/- 2 cm
  • Quick drying, because capil­lary active and open to diffusion
  • Uni­ver­sally appli­cable on thin, thick and all uneven walls


The UdiIN RECO® SYSTEM is com­posed of two wood-fibre layers and is based on the UdiRECO® prin­ciple with an auto­matic level­ling com­pen­sa­tion for uneven sur­faces. The inte­rior insu­la­tion system is the alter­na­tive to vapour-proof solu­tions on the inside of exte­rior walls. It enables the pro­blem-free instal­la­tion of inte­rior insu­la­tion for the retrofit of exis­ting buildings.

The external appearance of the buil­ding and the type of wall con­s­truc­tion are unim­portant. Regard­less of whe­ther the walls are slim, half-tim­bered struc­tures, double-skin brick­work or heavy natural stone, this system is sui­table for all types. Any accu­mu­lated con­den­sa­tion is absorbed by the UdiIN RECO® SYSTEM and, thanks to its quick-drying pro­per­ties, is then trans­ported into the room air or through the capil­lary effect to the out­side of the buil­ding. Due to its excel­lent price/performance ratio, the system is great value. It is affixed dry and thereby addi­tional instal­la­tion-related mois­ture ingress is avoided. 


The adjus­table fixings that belong to the system UdiASSEMBLY SD RECO® enable an adjus­t­ment of up to +/- 2 Cen­ti­meter to com­pen­sate for uneven sub­strates. When the insu­la­tion boards have been adjusted and levelled, a coat of cli­mate regu­la­ting UdiMULTIGRUND® is applied. This sur­face can then be wall­pa­pered, painted or tiled. It is also pos­sible to apply addi­tional plaster coa­tings using UdiLIVE® loam or lime plasters.

In coope­ra­tion with the Tech­nical Uni­ver­sity, Dresden and spon­sored by the German Envi­ron­ment Foun­da­tion, our inte­rior insu­la­tion system has been tho­roughly tested. The com­plete study is con­tained in a SPECIAL BROCHURE, which we will be happy to send you in printed form. Call us on: +49 (0) 371 8156 40.

UdiRECO® is also used as an external façade insulation.


  • Adjus­table bet­ween plus/minus 20 mm
  • For uneven inte­rior walls
  • Available in thic­k­nesses of 80 to 200 mm
  • Com­pact against the substrate
  • No mois­ture from a mortar or loam bed
  • No bearer struc­tures required
  • Directly affixable to the inte­rior of the wall and then adjustable
  • Quick-drying
  • Sui­table for insu­la­ting thick and thin walls from the inside 
  • Reso­nance-free sound-proofing
  • The vapour-retar­ding plaster coat regu­lates water vapour levels
  • No need for insu­la­tion wedges or corner insu­la­tion boards
  • The sur­face of the mineral vapour retarder serves as a base layer for plas­ters and paints
  • Patent-pro­tected

Bene­fits of this system

  1. The spe­ci­ally deve­loped mineral, water vapour regu­la­ting render UdiMULTIGRUND® ensures that there is no build-up of condensation.
  2. The insu­la­tion system auto­ma­ti­cally com­pen­sates for uneven sur­faces of up to +/- 20 mm wit­hout using any mortar or adhesive.
  3. As a result of the com­bi­na­tion of fle­xible and render-bea­ring wood fibres the Lambda value has been opti­mised and is the front-runner among inte­rior insu­la­tion systems.
  4. Through the intel­li­gent syn­thesis of a heavy and a light wood-fibre layer, with their high con­den­sa­tion absorp­tion capa­ci­ties and quick-drying pro­per­ties, there is no mould growth or accu­mu­la­tion of addi­tional moisture.
  5. The intel­li­gent layered con­s­truc­tion of the UdiIN RECO® SYSTEM with dif­fe­rent layer den­si­ties pro­vides excel­lent sound pro­ofing pro­per­ties wit­hout reso­nance effects.

Please contact us for a com­pre­hen­sive ana­lysis or struc­tural and cal­cu­la­tional proof.

Instal­la­tion Information

By exer­ting a direct influence on the mois­ture level, the capil­lary-active insu­la­tion system UdiIN RECO® inhi­bits pro­blems with mois­ture that may lead to buil­ding damage. With this system, a simple and effec­tive solu­tion has been deve­loped which meets the requi­re­ments for energy saving and con­tri­butes to a healthy room cli­mate. It can be used for any appli­ca­tion from thin, half-tim­bered wall con­s­truc­tions to thick castle walls.

This inte­rior insu­la­tion system does away with the need for a vapour bar­rier! The system can be installed regard­less of wind speeds.

Step 1. Moun­ting and fixing

Begin­ning from the bottom to the top, the wood-fibre boards are mounted to the level sur­face of the sub­strate so that the joints are offset. They are then secured using our UdiASSEMBLY® SDM (adjus­table fixing – masonry) or SDH (adjus­table fixing – timber) system fixings. The fixing have an adjus­t­ment range of +/- 20 mm. A whole wall is always insu­lated at one time and adjusted using a rota­ting laser or a spirit level.

  1. Set dowel after pre-drilling
  2. Screw in insu­la­tion plate
  3. Screw in until the return lock engages and the dowel head locks into the upper insu­la­tion level
  4. Adjust plate with scale or laser
  5. After com­plete assembly, the plaster is applied accor­ding to Udi­DÄMM­SYS­TEME GmbH manufacturer’s instructions

Step 2. Base coat and rein­for­cing mesh

The sub­se­quent coa­ting of the wood-fibre insu­la­tion boards pro­vides the system with increased sta­bi­lity and per­ma­nent crack coverage. The spe­ci­ally deve­loped rein­for­cing coa­ting UdiMULTIGRUND® is applied using a toothed trowel to a minimum depth of 5 mm and the UdiREINFORCEMENT® Streng­thening Mesh is then bedded-in to the coa­ting. This is the base for a durable and crack-free top layer of finis­hing plaster.

Step 3. The finis­hing touch

Now the final step is to apply the top coat using a mate­rial of your choice. It does not matter which one you choose. Loam/clay plaster, loam/clay paint or lime plas­ters and sili­cate paints from the UdiLIVE®-System are espe­ci­ally recom­mended but wall­paper or tiles are also possible.