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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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UdiIN® SYSTEM mold-free insulation

  • Oldest system with 25 years of long-term experience
  • Plea­sant atmo­sphere in the room
  • Uni­ver­sally applicable
  • Made from pure softwood
  • Pre­vents musty odors and mold
  • Final coa­ting with clay or lime possible

It is far too often the case, that older and listed buil­dings have insuf­fi­cient or no pro­tec­tion against energy losses. The UdiIN® SYSTEM is installed on the inside of external walls and is an effec­tive, envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly, insu­la­tion alter­na­tive to that of cove­ring the exte­rior of the buil­ding, thereby retai­ning the opti­cally attrac­tive external cha­racter of the buil­ding. The system employs the highly effi­cient wood-fibre insu­la­tion boards UdiUNGER-DIFFUTHERM NF®. The sub­strate is pre­pared using UdiLIVE® Loam Render to pro­vide a void-free base and the boards are then affixed using our spe­cial UdiASSEMBLY SD RECO® fixings.

After the boards have been mounted, they are then covered with a layer of our spe­cial water-vapour regu­la­ting base coat UdiMULTIGRUND® tog­e­ther with UdiREINFORCEMENT® Streng­thening Mesh. This sur­face can then be wall­pa­pered, painted or tiled. It is also pos­sible to apply addi­tional plaster coa­tings using UdiLIVE® loam or lime plasters.

The decision for the deman­ding deve­loper: The UdiIN® SYSTEM deli­bera­tely does not employ water vapour bar­riers. The system pro­vides a com­for­table room cli­mate tog­e­ther with walls that are warm to the touch. In addi­tion to the envi­ron­men­tally-fri­endly aspects, the UdiIN® SYSTEM offers a sophisti­cated com­bi­na­tion of thermal insu­la­tion and vapour per­mea­bi­lity. The result is an out­stan­ding insu­la­tion solu­tion that means you don’t have to make compromises.

More than fif­teen thousand cus­to­mers have insu­lated their pro­per­ties using the UdiIN® SYSTEMwit­hout any pro­blems or rest­ric­tions to their health. This is achieved by the deve­lo­p­ment and sel­ec­tion of per­fectly har­mo­nized pro­ducts. The UdiIN® SYSTEM has been sci­en­ti­fi­cally test and is sub­ject to strict and con­ti­nuous qua­lity con­trol pro­ce­dures. The UdiIN® SYSTEM is an active insu­la­tion which ensures a bene­fi­cial room cli­mate wit­hout mould growth.

The bene­fits at a glance


  • Kind to the skin – with no itching or irri­ta­tions when hand­ling or installing
  • Envi­ron­men­tally neu­tral manu­fac­ture from soft­wood derived from rene­wable sources
  • As early as 1999 the system was tested and recom­mended as the best thermal insu­la­tion system by the lea­ding German eco­lo­gical con­sumer maga­zine “Öko-Test”
  • Balances the room air-mois­ture level
  • Active capil­lary func­tion stores and trans­ports moisture
  • No mould deve­lo­p­ment on the walls
  • Finis­hing coats of natural lime or loam from our inte­rior coa­tings range mays be used

cost savings

  • Short return-on-invest­ment period
  • The state and other insti­tu­tions sup­port energy-saving mea­sures such as the inte­rior insu­la­tion of external walls. This is par­ti­cu­larly the case for listed buil­dings or for other beau­tiful façades.

uni­versal spectrum

  • Appli­cable for inte­rior use in all exis­ting buil­dings (excep­tions: areas below ground level, rising damp)
  • For all types of masonry e.g. (Lime­s­tone, fired-clay bricks, con­crete or natural stone)
  • For all types of timber and timber-framed buildings
  • Appli­cable to spe­cial con­s­truc­tion types i.e. half-tim­bered buil­dings, listed buildings


  • TheUdiIN® SYSTEM has been tried and tested over many years and has estab­lished itself in the top class. We are so con­vinced of the qua­lity of our pro­ducts that we offer a com­pre­hen­sive gua­rantee package. To ensure the lon­ge­vity of the system, all buil­ding system com­pon­ents and their method of instal­la­tion must cor­re­spond with our licen­sing spe­ci­fi­ca­tions and be car­ried out by an UdiCERTIFIED INSTALLER®.

top class mois­ture diffusion

  • The UdiIN® SYSTEM deli­bera­tely does not employ water vapour bar­riers thereby ensu­ring that the natural mois­ture exch­ange bet­ween the inte­rior and exte­rior air­flows are not inhi­bited, crea­ting a healthy room climate.

acou­stic insulation

  • The com­bi­na­tion of the spe­cial sand­wich-layer design and a void-free, solid con­s­truc­tion means that top-levels of sound­pro­ofing are possible

Optional 15-year gua­rantee upon request

Our UdiIN® inte­rior insu­la­tion system is made from natural wood fibres. It has been suc­cessfully employed for over 20 years and has estab­lished itself among the very best insu­la­tion pro­ducts on the market. As a proof of its qua­lity we offer deve­lo­pers an optional gua­rantee package on sys­tems installed by licensed UdiCERTIFIED® INSTALLERSEnquire about our 15-year GUARANTEE:


  • Gua­ran­teed mould-free construction
  • Lifelong health-pro­mo­ting insu­la­tion system for you, your family and your children


  • Gua­rantee that the UdiIN® SYSTEM insu­la­tion boards will remain warp-free
  • The UdiIN® SYSTEM sur­face always remain smooth


  • Gua­ran­teed crack-free walls
  • The UdiIN® SYSTEM ensures that the sub­s­tance of the buil­ding remains dry
  • Over 2 mil­lion square metres have been installed since 1992 – wit­hout any cracks developing!

UdiColour choice-GUA­RANTEE

  • Your indi­vi­dual dream colours for the exte­rior render are available in the com­plete colour spectrum
  • All colours from light to dark are available (within tech­nical limits)

Pre­con­di­tions for the gua­rantee are that the system is installed by a licensed UdiCERTIFIED® INSTALLER and the inclu­sion of all the neces­sary system com­pon­ents from the UdiDÄMMSYSTEME® range. These include the fixings, the con­nec­tion pro­files, the rein­force­ment com­pon­ents as well as the base coat UdiMULTIGRUND®. We con­cen­trate on buil­ding long-term part­ner­ships with equally qua­lity-con­scious tradesmen and mer­chants. Our 15-year gua­rantee system is an expres­sion of the qua­li­ta­tive coope­ra­tion with archi­tects, tradesmen and deve­lo­pers to the benefit of all concerned.

Read the gua­rantee con­di­tions here.

Instal­la­tion information

Step 1. Moun­ting and fixing the insu­la­tion boards

The sub­strate is pre­pared with an initial coat of UdiLOAM® Base Render to pro­vide adhe­sion and to fill any voids. This coa­ting, with its natural capil­lary pro­per­ties, pre­vents the build-up of con­den­sa­tion. The insu­la­tion boards are per­ma­nently fixed to the sur­face using spe­cial system anchors/fixings UdiASSEMBLY SD RECO®.

Step 2. Water vapour regu­la­ting streng­thening foundation

The next layer is com­prised of a water-vapour-regu­la­ting base render UdiMULTIGRUND® with UdiREINFORCEMENT® streng­thening mesh bedded into to the upper third of this coa­ting. This coat should have a minimum thic­k­ness of 4-5 mm. This func­tions as a vapour retarder and air­tight layer and is the base for a durable, per­ma­nently dry, crack-free and ready-to-paint top layer.

Step 3. the final touch

Once the UdiMULTIGRUND® is dry, any rea­dily available mate­rial such as paints or wall­pa­pers can be applied. The pro­ducts from the UdiLIVE® Inte­rior Coa­ting System range are recom­mended. The inte­rior insu­la­tion should be installed, or its instal­la­tion over­seen, by a qua­li­fied tradesman. We will be happy to help you. Struc­tural phy­sics cal­cu­la­tions are recom­mended (addi­tional service).