insulate naturally
Discover forest climate at home
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insulate naturally
Discover forest climate at home
request a free brochure
- Innovative vapour barrier that adapts to the humidity of the air
- System solution for UdiTOP® and UdiFLEX®
- Protection against structural damage and mold
- Reduction of winter heating losses
- Improved heat protection in the roof
- No need for cooling devices
- Extremely tear-resistant
- Comfortable to install, because translucent
The thermal insulation separates the indoor climate from the outdoor climate. The temperature difference between the two areas tries to balance itself by air flow. In winter, the warm air from the building is forced through the construction into the open air. The air sealing layer prevents this flow, the so-called convection and thus the loss of warm air to the outside. At the same time, it ensures that structural damage and mold from condensation in the construction is avoided and enables a comfortable indoor climate even in summer.
High-performance insulating materials require intelligent air and wind seals
UdiSTEAM® 10 plus is an innovative vapour barrier that adapts to air humidity, is easy to install, translucent, extremely tear-resistant, moisture-regulating, highly robust and has a variable sd-value (DIN EN 12572/A: 0.25-25 m).
It can be combined with all fibrous insulation materials (also blow-in insulation). Easy to process due to dimensional stability, no splicing or tearing.
The variable sd-value enables the drying of built-in and even wrapped wood (e.g. rafters or shuttering timbers) even during the utilization phase. In practice, woods with excessive residual moisture are often installed which can be dried out with the moisture-active vapour barrier without causing structural damage.
The transport of moisture from inside to outside through UdiDÄMMSYSTEME® is intentional and enhanced by the use of UdiSTEAM® 10 plus, without the legally required effect of an air and vapour barrier being questioned.
1. Minimization of heat loss
The professional airtight design of the building exterior minimizes transmission heat losses.
2. Prevention of structural damage
Leaks in the building exterior result in heat conduction between the warm and cold parts of the building. The warm air flows into the cold part of the construction. Moisture damage to parts of the building may occur.
3. Avoidance of draughts and increase of living comfort
In case of leakages, a loss of comfort may occur (e.g. leaking outer wall socket at head height behind a couch).