insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

request a free brochure


  • Excel­lent summer heat protection
  • Makes your roof quiet, hardly any noises of wind
  • Pro­tec­tion against noise, cold, dust, heat
  • For pro­fes­sional underlay, wea­ther­proof for three months
  • Excel­lent sound insu­la­tion improvement
  • Harm­less to health with com­for­table processing
  • Expe­ri­ence a won­derful indoor climate


A third of the energy gene­rated to heat a house is lost through an unin­su­lated roof. The­r­e­fore nobody plans a new house wit­hout an insu­lated roof e.g. with the UdiTOP® SYSTEM. More and more pro­perty owners and deve­lo­pers would like the option of a simple, quick, multi-func­tional and eco­lo­gical high-per­for­mance insu­la­tion system made from wood fibres which also pro­vides a com­for­table room cli­mate on hot summer days.

    The UdiTOP® SYSTEM deli­bera­tely does not employ water vapour bar­riers thereby ensu­ring that the roof can breathe – allo­wing a natural mois­ture exch­ange bet­ween the inte­rior and exte­rior air. The system blocks draughts and the radia­tion of the cold from the out­side and ensures that the inte­rior remain warm, thereby crea­ting a healthy and com­for­table room climate.

    The UdiTOP® SYSTEM com­bines envi­ron­mental-fri­end­li­ness with com­fort and func­tion­a­lity. This sophisti­cated com­bi­na­tion of thermal insu­la­tion and vapour per­mea­bi­lity means your roof is opti­mally insu­lated – per­ma­nently! This is an out­stan­ding roof insu­la­tion solu­tion which means you don’t have to make com­pro­mises, regard­less of whe­ther it is for instal­la­tion bet­ween the raf­ters or for clad­ding constructions.



    Eco­lo­gical and health promoting

    • Manu­fac­tured from soft­wood fibres exclu­si­vely from rene­wable sources
    • Envi­ron­men­tally sus­tainable manu­fac­ture within a closed CO2 cycle
    • Kind to the skin – with no itching or irri­ta­tions when hand­ling or installing
    • No release of gases or emis­sions of toxic mate­rials or harmful particles

    Cost savings

    • Save up to 10 litres of hea­ting oil per square metre of the roof area
    • The active reduc­tion of CO2 – emissions
    • Take advan­tage of pos­sible grants and sub­si­dies available


    • Manu­fac­tured accor­ding to DIN EN 13171
    • Pro­tects against mois­ture ingress

    Uni­versal spectrum

    • For the sub­se­quent inte­rior or exte­rior insu­la­tion of exis­ting sloped roofs
    • For the insu­la­tion of newly con­s­tructed slo­ping roofs
    • Pro­blem-free insu­la­tion for thic­k­nesses of up to 300 mm with the addi­tional Pre­mium – heat-shield

    Top class mois­ture diffusion

    • The UdiTOP® SYSTEM regu­lates the natural mois­ture exch­ange bet­ween the inte­rior and exte­rior wit­hout the need for any bar­rier mem­branes, thereby crea­ting a healthy room climate.
    • The expe­dient appli­ca­tion of vapour-dif­fu­sive and mois­ture-active vapour retarders

    Acou­stic insulation

    • The spe­cial sand­wich layer con­s­truc­tion of two dif­fe­rent den­si­ties pro­vides out­stan­ding sound-pro­ofing values.


    An ideal addi­tion for instal­la­tion bet­ween the raf­ters is our fle­xible wood-fibre board UdiFLEX®, which is available in thic­k­nesses of 40 to 240 mm. Our com­ple­men­tary UdiSTEAM® SYSTEM pro­duct range also help ensure that your roof is air-tight.

    All joints, ope­nings and pro­jec­tions and window joints should be sealed air­tight with our spe­cial UdiSTEAM® Alu­butyl adhe­sive tape.

    UdiTOP® and UdiTOP® Pre­mium are fixed using approved screws/special nails for sark boards/insulation over the raf­ters or façade insu­la­tion. The cur­rent fixing tables are available upon request.